Tuesday, June 29, 2010
books, although of course you end up becoming yourself
Nice to have your borders redefined by physical contact with another person... I'm not just a set of anxieties and ambitions. I'm a person confined to a limited range, realize your head is only a half-foot-long space, etc.
-David Lipsky (DL) speaking to David Foster Wallace (DFW)
Who do i live for, What do I believe in, What do I want? They're the sorts of questions that are so profound and so deep they sound banal when you say them out loud.
- DFW to DL
there is stuff that really good fiction can do that other forms (of literature) can't do so well. And the big thing, the big thing seems to be, sort of leapin' over that wall of self, and portraying inner experience. And setting up, I think, a kind of intimate conversation between two consciences.
- DFW to DL
(about someone willing to read Infinite Jest) A person who isn't always able to get the sense of intimacy they need in regular day-to-day intercourse
- DFW to DL
(about DFW dealing with IJ's acclaim) He seems a man determined to not enjoy these extras, like a man attending a party with a wife he secretly plans to leave. He is determined not to enjoy the process of being celebritified
- DL to tape-recorder